Faculty Members

Faculty Members

Row First Name Last Name Academic Rank Department Phone(071) Email Picture
1 Nematollah Badakhshan assistant professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134577 nbadakhshan@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
2 Mohammad Bonyani associate professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134553 Mbonyani@ Shirazu.ac.ir   
3 laleh Haghighat assistant professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134556 lhaghighat@ rose.shirazu.ac.ir
4 Saeed Rahimian professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134577 srahimian@ rose.shirazu.ac.ir
5 Alimohammad Sajedi associate professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134550 msajedi@rose. Shirazu.ac.ir
6 Mohammad bagher Abbasi assistant professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134551 mbabbasi@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
7 Ghasem kakaie professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134555 gkakaie @rose.shirazu.ac.ir
web: kakaie.com
8 AbdolAli Shokr associate professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134546 ashokr@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
9 alireza farsinezhad assistant professor Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy 36134548 alifarsi@shirazu.ac.ir
10 Solmaz Karandish assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134556 Karandish@shirazu.ac.ir
11 Mehdi Ahmadi assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134532 mahmadi.shiraz @ shirazu.ac.ir
12 Seyyed Mohammad Hashim Pourmola assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134548 pourmola@ shirazu.ac.ir
13 Morteza Rahimi associate professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134553 mrahimi@shirazu.ac.ir
14 S.Mohammad hadi Zebarjad assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134527 mzebarjad@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
15 Mohammad javad Salmanpour associate professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134554 msalman@rose .shirazu.ac.ir
16 Mohammad Sharifani assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134596 Sharifani50@ shirazu.ac.ir
17 AliAkbar Kalantari associate professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134569 akalantari@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
18 Mojtaba Javidi assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134596 mojtabajavidi@gmail.com
19 Ali Sameni assistant professor

Theology and Islamic Sciences

36134569 lsameni@gmail.com
20 Zahra Ghasemnejad assistant professor Qur'an and Tradition Sciences 36134594    



Faculty CV of Theology and Islamic Sciences

Faculty CV of Qur'an and Tradition Sciences

faculty CV of Islamic Philosophy and Theologhy



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